Ask Me Anything PartyRock App

I noticed that most of the public apps that are out there currently use Anthropic's Claude or Claude Instant Models. To compare, I wanted to test how AI21's Jurassic and Cohere's Command Models would respond to the same query when asked. 

I created my second PartyRock App to scratch that itch - Ask Me Anything. Here's a snapshot that you can check and remix for your own use case if you find it beneficial.

Post any query & see which Model provides the best answers for a particular prompt & context.

According to the FAQ, new and updated models may be added regularly. Currently 6 LLM models are offered:

There are excellent resources on Prompt Engineering from AWS, Anthropic, AI21 and Cohere. The Ask Me Anything app can be used to experiment with Prompt design for each of the available Models.

Also see - 

My other apps:
