Idea Checklist

The Tata Imagination Challenge is an annual idea competition open to college and postgraduate students in India and Tata employees around the world.

Registrations for 2023 are closed but their Idea Guidebook [PDF] has good tips & suggestions on how to approach problems and solutions:

Plausible impacts to consider while identifying an idea -

  • Improve or change an existing practice. This could be anything from the way people shop to the way they consume news.
  • Create new business avenues or help existing businesses perform beyond their expectations.
  • Help people or communities who are less fortunate. It could be an idea for generating employment, providing education, better healthcare, etc.
  • Help nature or animals because unless we act now, the future won't be so bright.

Idea Checklist -

  1. Is your idea innovative and original?
  2. Is your idea clearly defined and easy to understand?
  3. Does your idea solve a real problem?
  4. Have you done research and analysis before arriving at the solution?
  5. Have you got an outside perspective (from a trusted source) to identify things you may have missed out?
  6. Can you explain the benefits of your idea?
  7. Can you answer potential objections to your idea?
  8. Can the idea be executed well if you are given the proper resources?
  9. Will your idea have a positive impact?
  10. Is your idea profitable and is there a market for it (in case you're planning to turn your idea into a business)?

Make your idea pitch-ready -

  • Break it down: Why, what and how
  • Let the data do the talking
  • Keep things clear and concise
  • Make a short version - Apart from a full-length presentation, create an elevator pitch as well, which shouldn't be longer than 30 seconds.
  • Be ready for questions


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