The Ultimate EA Picture

Gideon Slifkin, Global Architecture Lead at Deloitte shares his perspective of Enterprise Architecture through his LinkedIn posts. The recent discussion sparked by his post on 'The Ultimate EA Picture' makes for interesting reading.

EA is broad

According to Slifkin, “The” EA is a collection of various artifacts, Blueprints, Tech Standards, Reference Architectures - all sorts of things really - which collectively can be thought of as “The EA.”

The following collectively make up “The EA”:

1. Architecture (ie current, future, roadmap) for each Business Portfolio / Segment / Value Chain (as appropriate) focusing on the Business Capabilities, Business Processes, and Applications / Data and Integration 

2. Architecture (ie current, future, roadmap) for each Technology Domain / Segment / Platform (as appropriate) focusing on Technology Capabilities, Use Cases, Tools and Platforms etc

3. Architecture (ie current, future, roadmap) for each Business Application / Technology Solution (as appropriate) focusing on all architecture domains for that Solution

4. Any relevant Technology/ Architecture Standards, Guidelines, Best Practices, Principles etc (though this can get debatable e.g. Are backup guidelines really part of EA?)

5. The EA Repository - though that could be included as the digital representation of 1,2 and 3 above

6. Reference Architectures and Design Patterns - not exactly “The EA” but close enough conceptually

7. Standard “Components” and/or Services (if not already included in 1,2, or 3 above)

8. The Enterprise Business Architecture for Business Strategy, Goals, Operating Model etc (if you believe that's all part of EA)

Last updated - 08-Aug-2024


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