Indian Population in Charts

Imagine a country with a population equivalent to the entire United States in 2024. That was India in 1947, with approximately 344.9 million people. Fast-forward to today, and India's population has ballooned to over 1.4 billion, surpassing China's in 2023.

China introduced its one-child policy in September 1980. The policy led to an aging population and a skewed sex ratio (due to preference for male children), prompting China to shift to a two-child policy in 2016 and a three-child policy in 2021.

Source - Our World In Data

While China's population was substantially greater than India's in 1980, India has experienced a remarkable population boom in the last decade. In a stunning demographic reversal, India has now surpassed China as the world's most populous nation.

from a Flourish animated bar chart

China's population density is less than a third of India, while US — world's third most populous country — has a population density of 38, an eighth of India

The urban population of India is expected to grow at a faster rate than other major countries, with a projected annual growth rate of 2.5%, compared to 1.5% in China and 0.5% in the United States. By 2030, India is projected to have more urban dwellers than China, presenting both opportunities and challenges for sustainable development.

India's demographic dividend, characterized by a large working-age population (25-64), is a significant economic advantage that could propel the country to become a global powerhouse, but it's crucial to harness this demographic bonus effectively to reap its benefits.

Source: UN, Nikhil Kamat

India's 60+ population is not only a challenge but also an opportunity, as it presents a growing market for healthcare, financial services, and consumer goods, and can also contribute to the economy through entrepreneurship, volunteering, and mentoring, if supported by appropriate policies and infrastructure.

As the world's most populous nation, India stands at a pivotal moment. By effectively managing its population dynamics and capitalizing on its demographic dividend, India has the potential to become a global economic powerhouse.


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