Learn AI-Assisted Python Programming: With GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT

Learn AI-assisted Python Programming: With GitHub Copilot and ChatGPTLearn AI-Assisted Python Programming: With GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT by Leo Porter and Daniel Zingaro is one of the best programming books I’ve read. Written by experienced educators, the book stands out for its unique structure and presentation, effectively guiding readers on how to learn programming with the help of AI assistants like GitHub Copilot. This groundbreaking book sets a new standard for tech books, showing how programming skills can be taught while leveraging AI tools. 

I had the privilege of participating in the beta review of this book by Manning in 2023, and I’m thrilled to have now read the complete version and put it to use. As a web developer with experience in JavaScript and C#, I appreciated the book's fresh approach to leveraging an AI Assistant and recognizing the advantages of Generative AI for coding.

The authors of the book state at the beginning that no prior programming experience is needed, and basic computer literacy is sufficient for readers to get started. If you're eager to learn Python, as I was, this book will gently guide you through understanding and writing simple code.

I agree with their assessment that, in this AI-driven era, the key skills for success in programming are:

  • Problem decomposition
  • Reading code
  • Testing and debugging
  • Prompt engineering

With these skills in focus, the book expertly combines explanations of GitHub Copilot and Python, starting with an introduction to AI assistants, setting up the Python environment, and covering Python essentials. The well-structured chapters help develop and refine intuition for how Python works, followed by practical code samples to reinforce learning.

I especially liked the final chapter on Prompt Patterns which demonstrates how AI assistants can be a game-changer for future programmers. The flipped interaction pattern reverses the typical dynamic - here, instead of us asking questions to the LLM, the LLM asks us questions. This approach is especially helpful when we're unsure how to effectively prompt the LLM.

The second pattern that can be is the persona pattern, where the AI adopts a specific role or perspective, such as an "introductory programming instructor." This pattern is valuable when we want the LLM to respond from a particular point of view, tailoring its responses to meet specific needs.

The book has a smooth flow, combining engaging explanations in plain-English, illustrations, and Python tips, all presented in an easy-to-follow conversational style.

I appreciated its "teach-a-man-to-fish" approach, as it not only helps beginners get started with programming but also builds their confidence to explore independently using GitHub Copilot.

I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in programming. It provides the skills needed to quickly read and write (at least basic) Python code and discover the transformative power of AI assistants.

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