HOW TO compare HTML5 features supported by versions 8, 9 & 10 of IE

This page on the Browserscope website lets you choose versions of the same or different browsers & see how they stack up in supporting HTML5 features. Click on the "Compare UAs" link on that page, select User Agents you want to compare & then hit the Compare button.

I chose versions 8, 9 & 10 of Internet Explorer to see what's new with respect to HTML5 in IE9 & IE 10
click to enlarge image

You can copy the table data to Excel & transpose the columns to rows to view the tabular data vertically as a list (in Excel2010, click on Paste dropdown in Ribbon & select Transpose).

So here is the list of HTML5 supported features in IE9 as detected by Browserscope by utilizing Modernizer 2.0.4 -
  1. audio:m4a 
  2. audio:mp3 
  3. backgroundsize 
  4. borderradius 
  5. boxshadow 
  6. canvas 
  7. canvastext 
  8. csstransforms 
  9. draganddrop 
  10. fontface 
  11. generatedcontent 
  12. geolocation 
  13. hashchange 
  14. hsla 
  15. inlinesvg 
  16. localstorage 
  17. multiplebgs 
  18. opacity 
  19. postmessage 
  20. rgba 
  21. sessionstorage 
  22. smil 
  23. svg 
  24. svgclippaths 
  25. video:h264 
 IE10 additionally supports the following HTML5 features -
  1. applicationcache 
  2. cssanimations 
  3. csscolumns 
  4. cssgradients 
  5. csstransforms3d 
  6. csstransitions 
  7. history 
  8. indexeddb 
  9. input:autofocus 
  10. input:list 
  11. input:max 
  12. input:min 
  13. input:multiple 
  14. input:pattern 
  15. input:placeholder 
  16. input:required 
  17. input:step 
  18. inputtypes:email 
  19. inputtypes:number 
  20. inputtypes:range 
  21. inputtypes:search 
  22. inputtypes:tel 
  23. inputtypes:url 
  24. textshadow 
  25. websockets 
  26. webworkers 
Also see:
Comparison of layout engines (HTML5)
HTML5 compatibility across major mobile and tablet browsers


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