AMPlify performance of mobile web pages

All about AMP, paraphrased from multiple sources -

Google introduced the open-source project, Accelerated Mobile Pages, or AMP, in October 2015

AMP serves faster mobile web pages. Google said serving up articles from its own internet network was the best way it knew to achieve the AMP speeds, which are as much as four times faster than a regular mobile web page. 

Google caches AMP pages and serving cached version from their search results. The AMP vision includes a web cache that would allow content providers (Google, Bing, Pinterest, LinkedIn etc) to serve the content much faster. The web cache is the core aspect of AMP project and the benefits of using AMP without cache are greatly reduced.

Another benefit of AMP is the ability for publishers to syndicate articles across the mobile web without losing advertising or traffic.

Publishers get full accounting of traffic, data and advertising revenue. Publishers also retain control of their content and design.

Pages delivered by AMP have a web address, a source of concern for some publishers.

Google, to speed up AMP, stores copies of publisher’s pages and serves them from its own internet network. So when a reader clicks an AMP link, the address bar at the top of the page displays instead of the actual web address from the publisher.

There are more than 600 million pages running AMP on over 700,000 different domains, including publishers such as The New York Times and non-media sites like eBay. According to one estimate, up to 10 percent of mobile web content is already on AMP.

Emily Smith, head of content operations at Condé Nast’s Wired magazine, said supporting AMP had pushed its mobile articles to the top of search results. For web surfers conditioned to believe that the most relevant information is presented first in search results, it’s important for a media organization to be near the top.

On mobile devices, Google accounts for about 95 percent of all global web searches, according to StatCounter.

About 15 percent of The Washington Post’s traffic comes from AMP pages.

Blogger doesn't currently support AMP HTML (there are workarounds though) though WordPress does.

In general, AMP supports the 2 latest versions of major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari and Opera. We support desktop, phone, tablet and the web view version of these respective browsers.

Paul Bakaus (the "Voice of Chrome DevTools, AMP and Open Web Games at Google" & the creator of jQuery UI) on AMP


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