HOW TO improve the front-end performance of a website - II

Steve Souders (once a Yahoo! now a Googler) who put up the most comprehensive set of best practices on speeding up web-pages is now following up that list with atleast 10 more in his upcoming book High Performance Web Sites, Part 2.

1. Split the initial payload
2. Load scripts without blocking
3. Don’t scatter scripts
4. Split dominant content domains
5. Make static content cookie-free
6. Reduce cookie weight
7. Minify CSS
8. Optimize images
9. Use iframes sparingly
10.To www or not to www

Some of the content of Souders excellent 168-paged first book "High Performance Web Sites" is available online and his High Performance Web Sites blog has interesting nuggets.

The suggestions in the first list are part of YSlow. GMail has also improved its performance by implementing some of those best practices.

Related links:
HOW TO improve the front-end performance of a website - I


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