This Week I Learned - Week #217

This Week I Learned -

Site Recovery provides a simple way to replicate Azure VMs between regions. Site Recovery replication for Azure virtual machines is currently in preview.

* Treat servers as cattle, not as pets - An ARM template is a powerful modeling tool in support of a “no pets” policy, which is interesting to consider as your cloud environments grow more complex while also wanting to make environments easier to manage. Another benefit stems from keeping the ARM template itself as an “infrastructure as code” artifact that can be used to document – and, more to the point, as executable documentation – for stamping out environments predictably. And still another feature: the ARM runtime handles a lot of the complex parts that could come by trying to script one resource at a time via imperative PowerShell scripts – for example, error recovery and retries - Bill Wilder, When NOT to use PowerShell with Azure

* Google Alphabet generates 88% of its revenue from ads while Facebook makes 97% and Microsoft 7%. About one-third of all advertising dollars are now spent online. Google pulls in about half of that expenditure as revenue.
If you’re good with languages and want a job in the technology industry, but don’t necessarily want to be a coder, it’s totally worth checking out the field of Localization. Google has a dedicated localization team spread over more than 30 countries, making sure that all Google products are fun and easy to use in more than 70 languages. Google has launched a massive open online course (MOOC) called Localization Essentials on Udacity

* * Twitter has become a place where many journalists unconsciously build and gut-check a worldview — where they develop a sense of what’s important and merits coverage, and what doesn’t. Twitter can be gamed into building the illusion of popularity for a candidate or a particular idea. How this works for conspiracy theories is relatively straightforward. Outside of Twitter — in message boards or Facebook groups — a group will decide on a particular message to push. Then the deluge begins. Bots flood the network, tweeting and retweeting thousands or hundreds of thousands of messages in support of the story, often accompanied by a branding hashtag. Because they operate unseen, bots catalyze the news: They speed up the process of discovery and dissemination of particular stories, turning an unknown hashtag into the next big thing. A trending hashtag creates a trap for journalists who cover the internet.

* "we usually don't use..a technology that is 6 months old until it gets more mature and ...a community is built around it"

Does the word "covfefe" that Trump used have a secret meaning or is it simply an autocorrect snafu? The first rule of covfefe is: You do not talk about covfefe

* Protection of foods from microbial spoilage using salt (usually sodium chloride) or sugar (usually sucrose) has ancient roots and is often referred to as salting, salt curing, corning or sugar curing - Scientific American

* Not all the buildings on Bangalore lake beds are illegal. Some were built by the government earlier, such as the city bus stand on a lake bed and the National Games Village on another.

* No more than 27% of India’s women work, the lowest among BRICS nations, and in the group of G-20 nations, only Saudi Arabia does worse. The Indian conundrum is that as the numbers of women in schools and colleges rise, the number of those at work drop. Over seven years ending 2012, India’s most educated women dropped out of its workforce at a rate faster than other women -

* There is more than one type of popularity. Likability reflects kindness, benevolent leadership and selfless, prosocial behavior. Research suggests that this form of popularity offers lifelong advantages, and leads to relationships that confer the greatest health benefits. Likability is markedly different from status — an ultimately less satisfying form of popularity that reflects visibility, influence, power and prestige. Status can be quantified by social media followers; likability cannot. Research suggests that despite the great temptations to gain status, those who achieve it ultimately experience greater unhappiness and dissatisfaction, while those who are likable have far greater satisfaction and success - NY Times

* China (population - 1.37 billion, growth rate - 0.47%, 9.597 million square km) is the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases detrimental to climate change followed by USA (third most populous country in the world with population of 321.4 million, growth rate - 0.77%, 9.834 million square km) and India (population -  1.31 billion, growth rate - 1.2%, 3.287 million square km). United States, Syria and Nicaragua are the only countries not participating in the Paris accord. India, Brazil, South Africa, and China have asked that developed nations “honor their commitments” to give $100 billion a year. President Trump has said he will cut payments to United Nations climate programs. The overall goal of the agreement is to limit global warming to less than 2ºC.

* India occupies 2.41% of the world's land area but supports over 18% of the world's population. India's population has exceeded that of the entire continent of Africa by 200 million people - Wikipedia

* Hindi dialects are spoken by 41% of the Indian population, Telugu by 7.19% and Tamil by 5.9%

* Leo Varadkar, 39, son of a Hindu immigrant Doctor & a Catholic nurse, was elected Prime Minister of Ireland. At 39, Mr Varadkar is the youngest ever person to hold the office.


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