SQL Server Acronyms
While reading some material on SQL Server 2005 recently, I was stumped for a moment when I ran into the term "SAC tool". I soon realized the author who abruptly introduced the term was a victim of Acronymitis & was referring to the Surface Area Configuration tool. Of course considering the sheer breadth of topics that continue to emerge, it is getting imperative to abbreviate commonly used terms & use TLA's (Three Lettered Acronyms).
Here is a quick reference of acronyms related to SQL Server:
- BOL - Books Online
- BLOB - binary large object
- CTE - Common Table Expressions
- DBCC - Database Console Commands
- DDL - Data Definition Language
- DCL - Data Control Language
- DML - Data Manipulation Language
- DMV - Dynamic Management Views
- DTA - Database Engine Tuning Advisor (new in SQL Server 2005, replaces ITW - Index Tuning Wizard of SQL Server 2000)
- FTS - Full Text Search
- ISQL - Interactive Structured Query Language
- MDX - multi-dimensional experssions
- MSDTC - Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator
- ODBC - Open Database Connectivity
- OLTP - Online Transaction Processing
- sa - system administrator
- SSAS - SQL Server Analysis Services
- SSIS - SQL Server Integration Services
- SSMS - SQL Server Management Studio
- SSRS - SQL Server Reporting Services
- PDS - Physical Design Structures
- TDS - Tabular Data Stream
- TSQL - Transact - Structured Query Language
- UDA - User-Defined Aggregate (Function)
- UDT - User Definied Type
To be continued....
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