This Week I Learned - Week #8 2019
This Week I Learned - * Azure Site Recovery enabled Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) now supports : - Azure VMs in availability zones - Encrypted VMs - VMs using accelerated networking - VMs using Storage Spaces Direct - VMs using Standard Solid State Drive (SSD) disks - Unmanaged VMs using firewall-enabled storage accounts - New Linux versions * A load balancer is restricted to a single availability set, virtual machine scale set, or a single machine. The Standard tier can span any virtual machine in a single virtual network, including blends of scale sets, availability sets, and machines . * GDPR forbids geofencing inside the 26-member European Union. The rationale is that geoblocking prevents member citizens from purchasing goods outside of their countries at fair prices - IT Pro Today * Data Journalism Handbook explores new and innovative ways in which data is analysed, created and used in the context of journalism. * Flatiron Health is the third...