This Week I Learned - Week #216
This Week I Learned - * Azure Pack will continue to evolve until 2022 (6 years from now) and will be supported until 2027 (11 years from now). * Azure in Germany is an isolated instance of Azure. It isn’t connected to other Azure regions. Azure Portal URL is different . * AWS market share = 3X Azure * The recent WannaCrypt malware exploits a Service Message Block (SMB) vulnerability (CVE-2017-0145). Utilize Windows Update to keep your machines up-to-date with the latest security updates. If you are running Azure Cloud Services (Platform as a Service Web Roles and Worker Roles or Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)) automatic updates (including MS17-010 update to resolve this vulnerability) are enabled by default, so there is no further action required. Confirm that anti-malware is deployed and updated. If you are using Microsoft anti-malware for Azure or Windows Defender, Microsoft released an update last week which detects this threat as Ransom:Win32/WannaCrypt...