Click to view enlarged image Some interesting facts & trivia from this infographic on the Microsoft Careers Facebook page - Bing Translator for Mobile - lets you translate any printed language MS Office is now reported to be used by over 1 billion people worldwide Windows 8 Phone capabilities include multi-core processor support, Micro SD support, NFC wireless sharing and easier development of applications Kinect is a groundbreaking NUI platform VaporMg, the molded magnesium casing, allows Surface to weigh a thin 1.5 pounds. XBox 360 hosts a triple core Xenon CPU, capable of processing up to 6 threads simultaneously Windows RT is Windows for ARM devices The new fast startup mode (in Windows 8) is a hybrid of traditional cold boot and resuming from hibernate, resulting in Windows 8 boot times up to 70% faster with virtually zero power consumption when in standby. Also see: The History of Microsoft