This Week I Learned - Week #138
This Week I Learned - * Modest Maps and Leaflet are open-source JavaScript libraries for working with maps * Ran into multiple articles & answers on Stack Overflow by Yossi Dahan , solutions architect in the Azure team, all in the same week while researching Azure topics. * Like the other GData APIs, the Google Spreadsheets Data API has an optional JSON output . * The Windows Azure Data Centers map is a great way to visualize the DC locations * Found some nice PDF ebooks online - APIs for Dummies , SOA Design Principles for Dummies , 100 SOA Questions Asked and Answered , The Pragmatic Logging Handbook from Loggly * Google Fusion Tables lets us upload data tables from spreadsheets or CSV files, even KML * Azure offers a free trial and it also has a service to host Azure App Services without even providing a credit card . Wonder how they let users view all the portal features but restrict them fr...