Quirky, Aphonetic Words that don't have Spelling Pronunciation
The English language is notoriously tricky with its use of more than 19 sounds represented by 5 vowels (and sometimes “y”). Quirky words with silent letters and extra letters seem to trip a lot of us . Aphonetic is a term a member of the English Stack Exchange forum uses to describe words whose pronunciation bears no relationship to their spelling . These strangely pronounced aphonetic words can be troublesome as those unfamiliar with these words would be unable to guess how to pronounce them just by looking at the spelling. For example, "colonel" is pronounced as ker-nil while "gaol" is pronounced as jeyl . Using the trick of having Google Spreadsheet act as a read-only database , I maintain the word list in Google Sheets & use Google Sheets API to display it through JavaScript & a web front-end. Check it out ! Update [26-Aug-2021] : The original code relied on Google Sheet API v3 which has been retired in August 2021 and ther...