20 SQL Server 2005 Keyboard Shortcuts
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There are a bunch of SQL Server 2005 Keyboard Shortcuts on MSDN, but I find these 20 super convenient & use it very often.Motherboard
Description | Shortcut |
Create a New File | CTRL+N |
Toggle full screen mode | SHIFT+ALT+ENTER |
Set or remove a bookmark at the current line | CTRL+K, CTRL+K |
Next bookmark | CTRL+K, CTRL+N |
Previous bookmark | CTRL+K, CTRL+P |
Clear bookmarks | CTRL+K, CTRL+L |
Make the selected text a comment | CTRL+K, CTRL+C |
Uncomment the selected text | CTRL+K, CTRL + U |
Make the selected text upper case | CTRL+SHIFT+U |
Make the selected text lower case | CTRL+SHIFT+L |
Toggle between query and results pane | F6 |
Display Object Explorer | F8 |
Output results in text format | CTRL+D |
Output results in a grid | CTRL+T |
Cancel the executing query | ALT+BREAK |
Display the estimated execution plan | CTRL+L |
Display the Replace dialog box | CTRL+F |
Display the Find dialog box | CTRL+H |
Start incremental search | CTRL+I |
Find the next occurrence of the previous search text | F3 |
Related links:
My Favorite Visual Studio 2005 Keyboard Shortcuts
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