Azure Machine Learning Resources

Microsoft Azure Essentials: Azure Machine Learning [Free, PDF] (Published: April 2015, 237 pages)
Microsoft Azure Machine Learning by Sumit Mund

Amy Kate 

Channel 9 videos

Building a classification model in Azure ML - Titanic passenger data set 
Predicting Gas Prices Using Azure Machine Learning Studio (April, 2015)
Linear regression model that predicts the price of an automobile (July 2014, Updated: 03/09/2016)
Cortana Intelligence Gallery - Azure ML community contributions
ML Algorithms

Mostafa Elzoghbi's DataCamp - 4 Hands-on labs (November 2016)
* 11 Hands-on labs (March 2016)
3 Hands-on Labs to build a real solution in Azure ML focusing on three topics: an introduction to Azure ML, text analytics with R and Azure ML, and deploying predictive models with Azure ML. Each one contains a video in addition to step-by-step documentation (Sep 08, 2015)

MSDN Machine Learning online forums

Description of Saved Datasets in Azure ML Studio

work in progress...


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